Slacker employees It's 2pm --- where are they?Have no work ethic
MS: Error Message Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e10' Procedure 'pollsAddResult' expects parameter '@choiceID', which was not supplied. /code/asp/db_lib.asp, line 55
On twelve thirty-oneWe review this year's accountsFor one more tax break
wireless wonderumbilical though cordlessjapanese keitai
shachou no shippaiwatashi no daimondaiyameyou kanathe boss' mistakesbecomes my problem to fixmaybe I should quit
early Thanksgivingextends our Christmas shoppingcredit cards beckon
Our business planIs based on not knowingWhat we do not know
customer complainsbut is still a customersilent he vanishes
a few sake helpsto smooth the relationshipbut gosh I am dead
Entrepreneur's cry:Vault sky high without a netMake the big dream real
A nonprofit firm
Has no net present value
But great interest