Biden denies rumor Says he is not the veep choice Say it ain't so Joe
McCain wields a Spears Obama fails to parry McCain wins the weak
Mitt goes negative But questions remain whether He hurts Huckabee
only John McCainanswered straight and honestlyas Romney waffled
holier than thouHuckabee hounds Rudy G many stones were cast
With only two wordsCan Republicans uniteHillary Clinton
Biden campaign print ad headline (followed by supportive quotes from other candidates):
if I weren't sodarned wonderful myself, I'dbe supporting Joe
(Click for Campaign ad)
his campain laggingFred Thompson attacks Fox Newsmean TV critics
(video here)
from my mother:
More than the othersJoe Biden's experienceNo media. Why?
poor Scott McClellancredibility shatterednow utters the truth